Wednesday, 30 November 2011


From the survey that was conducted the ideal trailer will be:
·        something aimed at an older teenage audience
·        in a isolated location (eg. a country house)
·        something more psychological than blood thirsty
·        up keeping and idea of being trapped, not able to escape
·        a sudden shock, something that will have that boo factor
·        it will be diverse to home and cinema, able to create the same emotions and feeling despite where it being watched
·        finally, it will have a surprise, when it reaches its point of renewed equilibrium something will bring it back to tell the audience that it is false.  

This survey was created to give an analysis on what people most enjoy about watching films and to see what I can do to make my trailer something they may be interested in watching.

1. This sets the boundary for my audience, by asking ages it tells me straight away what kind of people I am trying to appeal to. As you can see a big percentage of the participants were between 16-18 whilst tells me that there is a big gap in the market for a horror that falls into this age bracket.
2. The gender of the participants was asked to give an idea what kind of people like what for example a males point of view of what they want to see will be different to a woman's so this will be a diverse overview.
3/4. These questions just tells us if there is still a great appreciation for film and in what genre in particular. This will give an idea of what appeals most to our audience and if we can include this in our trailer.

5. This was just to give an overview to see if horrors were still sort of in today's society and if so that about it attracts people to it when they do watch it 'sometimes'.
6. From the answers from this, we can average the most popular ideas and include it in our final project to produce something that will appeal to the masses.
7. A continuation from q.6, it just narrows down some of the most popular types of horrors that we had already found through research, so that we can focus on one idea.
8. once again this is narrowing down on the research we had already done. This just reiterates the type of film that appeals to people.

9. by asking the participants fear we can summarise the things that will appeal to them as being a horror, knowing that it will scare them we can then see the most said fears and work on including this.
10. The scariest part of a film is very important in any horror, if people aren't scared then it is not meeting the known convention of a horror, by knowing we can involve this at a peak time in our trailer
11.this is just to give an idea on how the consumer would like to watch their film, giving them variety and making sure their comfort has been considered.
12. the way something ends can make or break it so by asking this we wanted to pick up on what people would most like to see in a film they would watch.